put one over
[网络] 对…恶作剧
- This code passes the compiler and therefore might offer the brief satisfaction of having "put one over on the system" but it reopens the possibility of data races.
这段代码通过编译器,进而可能提供“在系统上成功完成一项任务”的短暂满足感。但它重新带来了数据竞争的可能性。 - The boy dropped down by her side and put one arm under her and the other over her and began methodically kissing her face, making little noises like a fish.
他坐到她身旁,伸一只手到她的背下,另一只手在她的胸前,开始一次又一次地吻她的脸,发出好象鱼那样吮吸的声音。 - Wilsom tried to put one over on me yesterday by selling me a worthless car.
昨天威尔逊试图骗我买台坏车。 - All the clocks should have been put back one hour last night, because the official Summer time was over.
昨天晚上所有的钟本应该都拨慢一小时,因为夏令时结束了。 - I'm afraid he put one over on you.
恐怕他占了你的便宜。 - Put one hand over the shoulder, and the other on the buttock, right?
我了解。放一只手在肩膀上,然后另一只在半边屁股上,对吗? - They were trying to put one over on us and they would no longer get away with it.
他们总是想花言巧语地骗我们,但是他们以后休想再得逞了。 - He considered himself a crafty man — a man would have to get up very early in the morning to put one over on Alf Tandy.
他觉得自己太狡猾了——为了愚弄一下阿尔夫·坦迪通常得早上很早起床。 - When you put on the glasses, one of the elbows that fit over the ears carries the amplified sound to the bone above the ear.
当你戴上这种眼镜时,套在耳朵上的一只镜腿就会将放大的声音传到耳朵上方骨。 - I am going to put another one over here and put another one over here.